Episode 5 – Toys R Us and Teaching Rewards

• Reminisce about the past
• Compare rewards versus punishments as motivators

1. My childhood trips to Toys R Us
2. Identifying and teaching self-care in the form of personal rewards
3. Including rewards in the planning process at the beginning of the school year when mapping out assignments
4. Modeling rewards

• “Where does he get those wonderful toys?”

Episode 4 – Star Wars and Final Lessons: Star Wars in the Classroom Part 1

• Discuss developing the final lesson of the year
• Discuss the value of year-end reflections/evaluations

1. A long time ago… Final Lessons in Star Wars movies
• Obi-Wan  – Actions can have far reaching consequences
• Yoda – Time runs out for us all, remember what you have learned
• Vader – Even the mighty fall, follow your heart
• Luke – Never think you know it all

2. How did my final lesson first happen?
• My mother’s typewriter
• “Instantes” – “Instants” or “Moments” – misattributed to Borges

3. Qualities that can be part of a final lesson
• Forward thinking
• Universality
• Reflection

4. What year-end reflections can bring about
• Growth/reinvention
• Reinforcement
• Focus
• Harsh truths

• How does a person grow up yet somehow stay a Toys R Us kid?

Episode 3 – Secret Origins and College Personal Statement Essays

• Discuss the concept of the secret origin
• Discuss some common elements in personal statements

1. It was my fault!
2. What is the basis for a secret origin?
3. Creating successful college personal statements/writing samples

• Contextualize “If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine…” within the realm of education

Episode 2 – Comic Con in the Classroom: Fan Conventions at School

• Discuss the purpose and benefits of event based learning
• Discuss ideas for creating conventions at school

1. My first convention experience and the impact of congregated fandom
2. Creating opportunities to publicly showcase student work
3. Creating imaginative convention displays, badges, and swag that promote learning and teach basic marketing
• Using school events to promote the work being done on campus in this era of competitiveness among school options

• What would Bruce Wayne’s college application look like?